Here is a list of the Common Errors we've talked about in the blog, in chronological order. I'll continue to update the list as I publish more common errors, and you can always come back to this list by clicking the tab that says "Common Errors" at the top of the blog.
05-Nov-2012: Earn, Win, and Beat
30-Jul-2012: Touch and Feel
09-Jul-2012: Taste, Try, Test, and Prove
02-Jul-2012: Hear vs. Sound
25-Jun-2012: Senses: Hearing (Hear vs. Listen)
18-Jun-2012: Senses: Sight (See vs. Look vs. Watch)
11-Jun-2012: Common Error: News
04-Jun-2012: Common Error: Sense
28-May-2012: Top 5 Mistakes
21-May-2012: High vs. Tall
14-May-2012: Contamination vs. Pollution
30-Apr-2012: Use of the word "Downtown"
23-Apr-2012: Steal vs. Rob
16-Apr-2012: "I" vs. "Me"
09-Apr-2012: "How is...?"
21-Mar-2012: Miss, Mr., Mrs., and Ms.
19-Mar-2012: Addressing a teacher as "Teacher"
12-Mar-2012: Phrases for Introductions
05-Mar-2012: Use vs. Wear
27-Feb-2012: "Use" vs. "Used to" vs. "(To be) used to"
09-Sep-2011: Apostrophes and Plurals
10-Jul-2011: Confusing "Family" Words
24-Jun-2011: Bored vs. Boring (-ed vs. -ing)
09-May-2011: Know vs. Meet, See, and Visit
03-May-2011: Since vs. For
19-Apr-2011: Phrases Related to "Semana Santa"
12-Apr-2011: "How do you call...?"
04-Apr-2011: Bring vs. Take
28-Mar-2011: Remember vs. Remind
21-Mar-2011: Advice vs. Advise
14-Mar-2011: Thank God vs. Thanks God
07-Mar-2011: Confusing grow and grow up
28-Feb-2011: Using have incorrectly
21-Feb-2011: Confusing it's and its
14-Feb-2011: Irregular plurals (man, woman, child, person)
07-Feb-2011: Confusing too, so, and very
31-Jan-2011: Use of third-person verbs
24-Jan-2011: Confusing say, tell, and speak
24-Jan-2011: Confusing listen and hear
18-Jan-2011: Confusing borrow, lend, and loan
24-Dec-2010: Confusing see, look, and watch
12-Dec-2010: Question Word Order